
Salary negotiation - Gehaltsverhandlungen

"Ditch the Range Scale When Negotiating"

"Know What Salary to Ask For in Your New Job"

Good answers:
"I always say that I am not allowed to disclose that because of a contractual agreement with my former employer. This usually throws them off. However I would not be making as much as I got if I told them what I really made before. You should never ever tell them how much you made before."

"When you hear the offer, repeat the top value - and then be silent. "The most likely outcome of this silence is a raise," Chapman writes. The book offers a specific technique for responding when you hear the salary offer, a technique that's designed to give you time to think about it while also putting a little pressure on the employer."

"Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1,000 a Minute"

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